Archalyk Suw economic society

Company home page | Archalyk Suw economic society | Food industry | TurkmenExporters

About company

Company name Archalyk Suw economic society
Date of establishment 01-10-1997
Registration authority Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan
Organizational and legal form Economic society
Bussiness type Food industry
Ownership Private
Main products Non-alcoholic beverage, drinking water
Address Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Buzmeyin district, Abadan highway J265-A
Additionally Our company was founded in 1997. During this period of time we had a leading role at the market of manufacturing and sale of nonalcoholic drinks and bottled drinking water in Turkmenistan. We use water from the ecologically safe Powrize underground sweet-water, running through one of the scenery places of Turkmenistan, for production. The water of this spring is famous for its taste and purity. The quality of the source water completely corresponds to the international and Turkmen requirements to drinking water.
Main products | Archalyk Suw economic society | Food industry | TurkmenExporters Main services | Archalyk Suw economic society | Food industry | TurkmenExporters

Contact us

  • +993 12 33 42 03
  • +993 65 70 25 15
  • +993 12 45 00 13
  • Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Buzmeyin district, Abadan highway J265-A
  • Write a letter

    Alty Annageldiev

    Sales manager

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    Archalyk Suw economic society | Food industry | TurkmenExporters TurkmenExporters - Business Platform of Turkmenistan