Company name | Rowachlan Galkynysh individual enterprise |
Date of establishment | 03-05-2010 |
Registration authority | Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan |
Registration number | №13943091 |
Organizational and legal form | Individual enterprise |
Bussiness type | Petrochemical industry |
Ownership | Private |
Main products | Polypropylene woven bags |
Address | Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Garadashayak residential complex, Buzmeyin street 82 |
Additionally | Rowachlan Galkynysh individual enterprise is officially registered by Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan on 03 may 2010. Registration number: №13943091. Our plant is equipped with modern machines and units of the leading Indian company Lohia Corp. The monthly production capacity of the plant is 500 tons of polypropylene woven sack rolls and 4 millions of polypropylene bags. Only high-quality primary raw materials are used in production. |
12 december: Day of Neutrality