Company name | Nurly Goza economic society |
Date of establishment | 04-09-2020 |
Registration authority | Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan |
Registration number | №15502006 |
Organizational and legal form | Economic society |
Bussiness type | Textile industry |
Ownership | Private |
Main products | Cotton filled quilt, Camel wool filled quilt |
Address | Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Berkararlyk district, Gorogly street 6 |
Additionally | Nurly Goza economic society is officially registered by Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan on 04 September 2020. Registration number: №15502006. Nurly Goza - produces high quality cotton filled, camel wool filled and synthetic winterizer filled quilts in different sizes. |
12 december: Day of Neutrality