Company home page |
Halkara Turkmen Logistic economic society |
Transportation & Logistics services | TurkmenExporters
About company
Company name
Halkara Turkmen Logistic economic society
Date of establishment
Registration authority
Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan
Registration number
Organizational and legal form
Economic society
Bussiness type
Transportation & Logistics services
Main services
International transportation services
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Garry Kuliyev street 90
Halkara Turkmen Logistic economic society is officially registered by Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan on 01 january 2021. Registration №13713820.
Main products |
Halkara Turkmen Logistic economic society |
Transportation & Logistics services | TurkmenExporters
Main services
Main services |
Halkara Turkmen Logistic economic society |
Transportation & Logistics services | TurkmenExporters
The main services of the company are:
Transportation and Logistics services in Turkmenistan.
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Garry Kuliyev street 90
Halkara Turkmen Logistic economic society |
Transportation & Logistics services | TurkmenExporters
TurkmenExporters - Business Platform of Turkmenistan