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DHL Turkmenistan

Company home page | DHL Turkmenistan | Transportation & Logistics services | TurkmenExporters

About company

Company name DHL Turkmenistan
Date of establishment 27-09-2010
Registration authority Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan
Organizational and legal form Branch office
Bussiness type Transportation & Logistics services
Ownership Private
Main services International parcel delivery services
Address Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Garry Kuliyev street 46
Additionally DHL was founded in the United States in 1969 for transport documents. DHL Express delivers urgent cargo and documents to more than 120,000 cities in 220 countries and regions. The company has more than 84,000 offices, about 34,000 machines for the delivery of documents and cargo, and more than 260 aircraft. DHL has been operating in Turkmenistan since 2010.
Main products | DHL Turkmenistan | Transportation & Logistics services | TurkmenExporters

Main services

Main services | DHL Turkmenistan | Transportation & Logistics services | TurkmenExporters

The main services of the company are:

  • International shipping and courier delivery.
  • E-commerce logistics.
  • Delivery and tracking.

Contact us

  • +993 12 75 48 48
  • +993 12 75 44 44
  • Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Garry Kuliyev street 46
  • Write a letter

    Nadejda Garyagdyyeva

    Sales manager

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    DHL Turkmenistan | Transportation & Logistics services | TurkmenExporters TurkmenExporters - Business Platform of Turkmenistan