Ak Cheshme economic society

Company home page | Ak Cheshme economic society | Building materials industry | TurkmenExporters

About company

Company name Ak Cheshme economic society
Date of establishment 10-11-2009
Registration authority Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan
Registration number №14841464
Organizational and legal form Economic society
Bussiness type Building materials industry
Ownership Private
Main products Welding electrodes
Address Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Balkan street 30
Additionally Ak Cheshme economic society is officially registered by Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan on 10 november 2009. Registration number: №14841464. Our factory is equipped with modern high-tech machines and units of advanced Turkish manufacturers.
Main products | Ak Cheshme economic society | Building materials industry | TurkmenExporters Main services | Ak Cheshme economic society | Building materials industry | TurkmenExporters

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Serdar Ilyasov Halykovich

General manager

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Ak Cheshme economic society | Building materials industry | TurkmenExporters TurkmenExporters - Business Platform of Turkmenistan