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Chapter 50: Silk

  • 5001 00 000

    Silkworm cocoons suitable for reeling

  • 5002 00 000

    Raw silk (not thrown)

  • 5003 00 000

    Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock)

  • 5004 00

    Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail sale:

    • 5004 00 100

      Unbleached, scoured or bleached

    • 5004 00 900


  • 5005 00

    Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale:

    • 5005 00 100

      Unbleached, scoured or bleached

    • 5005 00 900


  • 5006 00

    Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste, put up for retail sale; silkworm gut fibre:

    • 5006 00 100

      Silk yarn

    • 5006 00 900

      Yarn spun from noil or other silk waste; silkworm gut fibre

  • 5007

    Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste:

    • 5007 10 000

      Fabrics of noil silk

    • 5007 20

      Other fabrics, containing 85 % or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk:

    • 5007 20 110

      Unbleached, scoured or bleached

    • 5007 20 190

      Pongee, habutai, honan, shantung, corah and similar far eastern fabrics, wholly of silk (not mixed with noil or other silk waste or with other textile materials):

    • 5007 20 210

      Plain-woven, unbleached or not further processed than scoured

    • 5007 20 310


    • 5007 20 390


    • 5007 20 410

      Diaphanous fabrics (open weave)

    • 5007 20 510

      Unbleached, scoured or bleached

    • 5007 20 590

      Of yarns of different colours:

    • 5007 20 610

      Of a width exceeding 57 cm but not exceeding 75 cm

    • 5007 20 690


    • 5007 20 710


    • 5007 90

      Other fabrics:

    • 5007 90 100

      Unbleached, scoured or bleached

    • 5007 90 300


    • 5007 90 500

      Of yarns of different colours

    • 5007 90 900


TurkmenExporters - Business Platform of Turkmenistan