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Date Holiday name Status
december 31 – january 1 New Year holiday day of rest
27 january Defender of the fatherland day without providing rest days
18 february Day of Diplomatic Workers of Turkmenistan without providing rest days
7 march Day of worker of the transport and communications complex without providing rest days
8 march International Women's Day day of rest
21-22 march Novruz Holiday day of rest
31 march Chemical Industry Workers' Day without providing rest days
7 april World Health Day without providing rest days
17 april Day of workers of Migration authorities of Turkmenistan without providing rest days
Last Sunday in April National Turkmen Horse Holiday without providing rest days
9 may Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 without providing rest days
18 may Constitution and State Flag Day of Turkmenistan day of rest
25 may Day of the city of Ashgabat without providing rest days
29 may Day of the workers of Internal affairs bodies of Turkmenistan without providing rest days
Last Sunday in May Turkmen Carpet Festival without providing rest days
1 june International Children's Day without providing rest days
3 june World Bicycle Day without providing rest days
5 june World Environment Day without providing rest days
First Sunday in June Day of Textile industry workers without providing rest days
12 june Day of Science without providing rest days
18 june Day of justice authorities workers of Turkmenistan without providing rest days
26 june Day of prosecution authorities workers of Turkmenistan without providing rest days
27 june Day of workers of culture and art, and Day of poetry of Magtymguly Fragi without providing rest days
5 july Day of judicial authorities workers of Turkmenistan without providing rest days
21 july Day of Workers of Health Care and Medical Industry without providing rest days
11 august Border Guards Day without providing rest days
1 september Day of knowledge and student youth without providing rest days
Second Saturday of September Day of Energy Industry workers without providing rest days
27 september Independence Day of Turkmenistan day of rest
30 september Day of National Security authorities workers of Turkmenistan without providing rest days
1 october International Day of Older Persons without providing rest days
6 october Remembrance Day without providing rest days
9 october Day of Naval forces of Turkmenistan without providing rest days
4 november Day of Customs authorities workers of Turkmenistan without providing rest days
Second Sunday in November Harvest Festival without providing rest days
12 december Day of Neutrality day of rest
14 december Day of oil and gas industry workers and geologists without providing rest days
21 december Day of Remembrance for the First President of Turkmenistan Saparmurat Niyazov without providing rest days
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