Company home page |
Turkmen Ak Yol economic society |
Transportation & Logistics services | TurkmenExporters
About company
Company name |
Turkmen Ak Yol economic society |
Date of establishment |
04-04-2014 |
Registration authority |
Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan |
Registration number |
№:15759067 |
Organizational and legal form |
Economic society |
Bussiness type |
Transportation & Logistics services |
Ownership |
Private |
Main services |
International Transportation Services |
Address |
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Kopetdag district, 1972 Ataturk street, H-82 |
Additionally |
Turkmen Ak Yol economic society is officially registered by Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan on 04 april 2014. Registration №:15759067. |
Main products |
Turkmen Ak Yol economic society |
Transportation & Logistics services | TurkmenExporters
Main services |
Turkmen Ak Yol economic society |
Transportation & Logistics services | TurkmenExporters
Main Services:
- Transportation and Logistics services.
- Roadway freight transportation.
- Railway freight transportation.
- Aviation transportation.
- Maritime freight transportation.
- International transportation of dangerous goods.
- Customs broker services in Turkmenistan.
Turkmen Ak Yol economic society |
Transportation & Logistics services | TurkmenExporters