Company name | Meno Logistics Turkmen economic society |
Date of establishment | 26-09-2014 |
Registration authority | Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan |
Registration number | №:14262542 |
Organizational and legal form | Economic society |
Bussiness type | Transportation & Logistics services |
Ownership | Private |
Main services | International Transportation Services |
Address | Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Gorogly street 1 |
Additionally | Meno Logistics is a group of companies involved in logistics and freight forwarding business in Turkmenistan. Our experience and industry knowledge allowed us to become a preferred logistics provider in Middle East, Central Asia and CIS. We offer complete know-how to deliver consistently effective solutions to your supply chain challenges. Through own offices and partners, we ensure international reach and professional handling of your goods irrespective of load quantity, dimensions and geographic location. Using ISO 9001:2015, the Meno Logistics intends to provide and maintain a high level of quality of services in order to meet the needs and interests of clients and partners, legislation, the founders and employees of the company. |
The main services of the company are: