Company home page |
Hukukchy Hyzmatdash economic society |
Legal & Consulting services | TurkmenExporters
About company
Company name
Hukukchy Hyzmatdash economic society
Date of establishment
Registration authority
Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan
Organizational and legal form
Economic society
Bussiness type
Legal & Consulting services
Main services
Legal services in Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Atamurat Niyazov avenue 157
The law firm "Hukukchy khizmatdash" was founded in 2014, and is one of the leading Turkmen human rights companies, which includes experienced lawyers on all legal issues under the legislation of Turkmenistan and international law.
Main products |
Hukukchy Hyzmatdash economic society |
Legal & Consulting services | TurkmenExporters
Main services
Main services |
Hukukchy Hyzmatdash economic society |
Legal & Consulting services | TurkmenExporters
The main legal services are:
Legal and Consulting services in Turkmenistan.
Provision of legal services for registration, re-registration and liquidation of legal entities on the territory of Turkmenistan.
Legal audit in Turkmenistan.
Development, examination and drafting of civil law contracts.
Arbitration services in Turkmenistan.
Provision of legal services for registration, re-registration and liquidation of foreign branch and representative offices on the territory of Turkmenistan.