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Turkmen Penjire economic society |
Building materials industry | TurkmenExporters
About company
Company name
Turkmen Penjire economic society
Date of establishment
Registration authority
Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan
Registration number
Organizational and legal form
Economic society
Bussiness type
Building materials industry
Main products
Plastic window profiles
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Taze Zaman residential complex, Taze Zaman street 171
Turkmen Penjire economic society is officially registered by Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan on 16 may 2014. Registration №:15759897. Our plant is equipped with modern high-tech equipments and units of the German company Krauss Maffei and the Austrian company Greiner.
Main products |
Turkmen Penjire economic society |
Building materials industry | TurkmenExporters